There are 6 partner organizations that are operating in different European Countries, in particular Denmark, Italy, Spain, Norway, Greece, and Slovenia. Before moving to the main part in which characteristics of the partner organizations will be displayed, it should be highlighted that the geographical diversity in the work of given organizations is doubly beneficial for the project purposes. Each organization owns the acknowledgement of the national business environment which serves a good guideline for the goals that the project is eager to achieve. Let’s learn more about each more partner.

We Are Entrepreneurs – Denmark
We Are Entrepreneurs (WAE), a Danish company, was established in 2020 by Diana Medrea-Mogensen with the scope of providing courses, coaching, and developing educational programs for individuals, businesses, and institutions around entrepreneurship. WAE believe that education is key to success in business, they strive to offer high-quality courses free of charge for their learners and they create small communities around their programs. The activities were gradually expanded to include international projects, first as a partner, but more recently also as a project manager.
Through the projects We Are Entrepreneurs provide free access to non-formal entrepreneurial training focused on problem-solving, financial literacy, and service mindset as keys to a more inclusive, balanced, and sustainable world.
For this project, WAE is the coordinator partner, which means that it is responsible for the overall project performance, by ensuring sound and timely progress of the activities, to guarantee that the project results will be achieved. We Are Entrepreneurs works closely with small businesses that will be the direct beneficiary of this project. The insight into the management and development of the small companies in Denmark, that WAE collected through training and consulting them, can support the development of the training material and advise its implementation.

Exeo Lab – Italy
Exeo Lab is a young business consulting active in the fields of consulting to Public Administrations and SMEs and in the field of transnational cooperation. It supports companies and start-uppers in the development and implementation of change management and business development processes, guiding them in a change of perspective with a highly creative approach, with highly technological tools and proposing them customized development strategies to face the challenges of the market. It also participates in regional, national, and transnational research projects aimed at creating development opportunities for territories, especially in the field of entrepreneurship, social and work inclusion, and sustainable development.
The services that the organization offers: support Public Administrations in the planning, implementation, management, monitoring and control of development strategies financed through the European structural and investment funds, while ensuring specialist support to decision makers and technical/administrative assistance to transform ideas and visions into real initiatives and projects. Business consulting is another service that Exeo Lab provides for the clients.
The organization supports companies and start-uppers in the planning of their respective business development strategies, making them able to face the changes in the global market in a competitive way. It focusses on the development of investment strategies, fundraising, internationalization, participation in public procurement and technology transfer.
The skill that suits perfectly for project goals is organization’s ability to cooperate in the international arena. It develops projects in partnership with companies, universities, institutions, schools, and NGOs to contribute to the design & testing of innovative tools and methodologies for the sustainable development of territories.

Gestión Estratégica e Innovación SL – Spain
Gestión Estratégica e Innovación (GEINNOVA) is a training centre specialised in the areas of entrepreneurship and leadership, e-learning and online learning platforms. It has over 20 years of experience in EU project management in the educative field with a specific focus on endeavour, social inclusion, gender equality, employability, sustainability and digitalisation. It provides companies, organisations and public administrations with expert advices and trainings. GEINNOVA collaborates in face-to-face training with business associations, public administrations, universities and foundations.
GEINNOVA trained more than 3,500 professionals in areas such as leadership, entrepreneurship, team management, and business management. That same year, GEINNOVA, with the collaboration of its associated NGO Instituto Ikigai, created an online campus with more than 40 active courses available. The courses have a fully interactive mode through the internally developed platform, which provides not only training content but also practical cases.
GEINNOVA perfectly matches with the project goals since it has different expertise in diverse fields. Main activities that GEINNOVA is operating are: online training platforms, development of project websites and project branding, awareness raising activities, seminars and conferences, training activities, courses and workshops oriented to building young people’s and adults’ (teachers, trainers) capacities.

Prios Kompetanse AS – Norway
Prios Kompetanse is organization established by several collaborating academic communities in Norway around courses and consultancy to the business community. The activities were gradually expanded to include an increasing number of international projects, first as a partner, but more recently also as a project manager. Based on needs that regularly appeared in the projects, the company established a software department in 2018 to initially meet the needs for software solutions.
Prios Kompetanse is running a study centre concerned with adult learning and with delivering quality education to businesses and individuals in the workplace. The organization has extensive experience in cooperating with the business community to offer tailor-made and targeted courses based on needs clarifications. It also has self-developed tools and methods for mapping the professional level among employees; it develops and delivers the course in the workplace itself.
Prios has extensive experience in innovation and the creation of new concepts, projects, and companies. The organization has some of the best advisors in start-up training and business start-ups. Prios exercises project management both for his own projects and as a hired project manager. It has special expertise in relation to international projects, both in project development, applications, and implementation expertise. With a large European network, the organization can support most sectors. Prios is active in the international arena. It actively participates in several research-based innovation projects towards developing, exchanging, and testing innovative practices, products and learning activities. – Greece is an IT, training and consultancy company, focused on web development, digital transformation and in business consulting. The company is working with schools, VET institutions, training organisations, chambers, NGOs and other public and private organisations in Greece and the EU. Main aim of the company is the digital transformation of businesses and organisations, through the innovative exploitation of existing tools guaranteeing a swift, sustainable, and effective process. is combining training and IT services, by focusing on digital interactive training through developing and creating online training courses, educational games, gamification tools, web and mobile applications using new and innovative technologies.
The organization is very inclusive since training services addressing the needs of various target groups (young people, people with special needs, elders, immigrants/refugees, unemployed people, managers, start uppers etc.).
Furthermore, the organization has a rich experience in the field of project management. The company has implemented up to now twenty-five European Projects, hundreds of National Projects and has more than 250 co-operations in the field of IT and business support. The company holds EU awards of best practices, for three of the Erasmus+ projects in which it participated. co-operates with organisations and authorities from public and private sector, such as Organisations for Education, Colleges, Universities, Region Authorities, Chambers, Federations of Industries, Municipalities, Non-Governmental Organisations, Organisations for people with disabilities and others across Europe and Greece.

Mednarodna fakulteta za družbene in poslovne študije – Slovenia
International School for Social and Business Studies (ISSBS) is a dynamic private higher education institution, founded in 2006, with 500 students and 50 faculty and staff members, delivering curricula in the fields of economics, management in education, and business and administrative sciences at all three levels of study. The ISSBS’ internationalization process has consolidated and initiated new relations with other faculties and research centres abroad. This process has encouraged professors and students to be more and more involved in European and international exchange programmes.
Internationalization being carried out by the mobility programmes for students and staff such as Erasmus+ (KA1), Erasmus for Young Entrepreneurs, and by the implementation of international summer schools, involvement of foreign experts and visiting professors.
ISSBS has been involved in quite some R&D projects dedicated to fostering entrepreneurial learning as well as social inclusion either in the context of education or labour market. Some of the projects were also tightly connected to the use promotion of ICT either as to promote entrepreneurial skills and innovation or as a part of projects’ outcomes. ISSBS also conducts several courses directly or indirectly covering the topics of entrepreneurship and small businesses, as well as education and teaching – e.g., quality and management in education, e-learning, lifelong learning, human resource development practices.